Talere 2019

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Titel / Virksomhed
Ambreen Sheikh
Continuous Integration and Delivery Consultant / Diabol AB
Rethink the architecture & design of your Continuous Delivery pipelines
Ambreen is a developer turned CI/CD consultant. She’s been fighting the good fight for over a decade, bringing development and operations together at well-heeled Fortune 500 companies as well as bootstrapping startups. She has provided essential support to many a band of swashbuckling engineers on their quest to deliver great code. She’s super passionate about sharing her findings and experiences with people who enjoy working with CI/CD pipelines.
Andrzej Wasowski
Professor / IT University of Copenhagen
Finding and removing bugs: Can history teach us anything?
Andrzej Wasowski is a full professor at IT University of Copenhagen, interested in software quality, especially in critical software bugs and design flaws that affect functional safety, reliability, and security.
He works on technologies and methods for improving quality of software, including program analysis, bug finding, and model-driven development, combining mathematically grounded methods for software correctness (classical computer science) with empirical studies of software artifacts and software developers (data-driven empirical research).
His recent projects involve large open source communities like the Linux Kernel, and the Robot Operating System (ROS).
Anne Mette Hass
Testkonsulent / Københavns Kommune
Tips for Introvert and Extrovert Testers
Anne Mette Hass has worked in software testing for over 30 years. She is interested in the technical aspects of testing as well as in the human aspects; after all testers are people and people are different and any differences must be respected. Anne Mette has written the book “Guide to Advanced Software Testing” and taught ISTQB Foundation and Advanced Test Manager and Advanced Analyst numerous times. She has spoken at many conferences around the world.
Bettina Lysell Faldborg
Senior Test Manager / Q Nation
Accepttest i den agile verden
Bettina har arbejdet med test siden hun fik muligheden for at skifte projektledelse ud med test for snart 11 år siden, hvor hun startede som Test konsulent i et, på det tidspunkt, mindre testkonsulenthus.Igennem Bettinas karriere har hun arbejdet både for offentlige og private kunder som både tester, testkoordinator og test manager. Bettinas interesse for accepttest startede, da hun arbejdede som test manager for et stort offentligt projekt på kundens side.Bettina arbejder i dag som Senior Test manager for konsulenthuset QNation.
Damian Synadinos
Owner / ineffable-solutions.com
The Hidden Requirements: Exploring Emotions with Placebos
Workshop: Improv(e) Your Testing!
For more than 25 years, Damian Synadinos has been helping “build better software and build software better” through testing. Now, through his company Ineffable Solutions, Damian offers talks and training that are focused on fundamental topics and people-skills, based on real-world experience, and supplemented with deep research. His experience spans many roles, companies, and industries, including airline, retail, insurance, finance, e-commerce, and realty. Damian also helps organize an annual, regional testing conference, QA or the Highway, and frequently mentors, coaches, and advises IT professionals. As an international speaker and trainer, he presents at numerous conferences and corporations around the world. Additionally, Damian has over 10 years of theatrical improv experience and frequently uses applied improv to teach.
Gitte Ottosen
Principal Consultant / Capgemini
Risk-based test, are you talking the talk or walking the walk?
Gitte Ottosen is a test manager and agile/quality coach with a strong focus on a value driven approach to software development. She has more than twenty years of experience in IT, primarily within test, test management and process improvement, in both traditional and agile contexts. The last fifteen years she has primarily worked within an agile context, focusing on supporting a quality mindset across teams and organizations, and improving the processes for some of the largest international companies in Denmark. As a self-confessed test and agile evangelist who preaches the need for a strong quality and value driven focus, Gitte is a strong advocate for a context-driven approach, a role requiring profound professional insight, passion, and persistence—qualities that Gitte holds in abundance. Gitte is a dedicated trainer within the areas of agile and test, and is a regular speaker at international conferences. She holds a number of certificates within testing as well as agile; ISTQB Expert Level Test Management – strategic, ISEB Practitioner, Certified agile tester (CAT), TMap Test Engineer, Tmap Test Manager, Certified SCRUM Master, SAFe Program Consultant, and she is a Fellow within SogetiLabs
Gojko Adzic
Partner / Neuri Consulting LLP
From Quality Assurance to Quality Assistance
Workshop: Winning big with Specification by Example
Gojko Adzic is a partner at Neuri Consulting LLP. He is the winner of the 2016 European Software Testing Outstanding Achievement Award, and the 2011 Most Influential Agile Testing Professional Award. Gojko’s book Specification by Example won the Jolt Award for the best book of 2012, and his blog won the UK Agile Award for the best online publication in 2010.
Hans Jørgen Nielsen
CEO, Founder, Inventor / Slotsholm Aps
Slotsholmmetoden – værktøjet til skarpe beslutningsoplæg
Jeg har skabt metoden og har i årtier undervist i den – fx i departementer og styrelser i Finans-, Forsvars-, Beskæftigelses-, Skatte-, Social- og Erhvervsministeriet. Har, de seneste 12 måneder, afholdt flere end 100 heldagskurser i metoden. Se evt. www.slotsholmmetoden.dk.Jeg ejer og driver firmaet Slotsholm, der tillige leverer konsulentydelse inden for blandt andet politisk/økonomisk kommunikation. Vi har fx været den foretrukne samarbejdspartner, når kommissionsrapporter har skullet skrives. Det gælder fx Velfærds-, Arbejdsmarkeds-, Produktivitets- og Dagpengekommissionen. Se evt. www.slotsholm.dkJeg er uddannet cand.scient.pol. og har før jeg blev selvstændig i 2001 blandt andet arbejdet som spindoktor (chef for de konservatives politisk/økonomiske sekretariat på Christiansborg), og som journalist på Berlingske. Født i 1963.
Helge Nymand
QA Technical Strategist / Testhuset A/S
Shift Left, Do Right; Et praktisk bud på at få testautomatisering bygget ind i jeres sprints
Helge Sune Nymand er teknisk QA strateg i Testhusets Innovation & Technology. Han arbejder dagligt med at transformere kunders testarbejde fra en praksis, der finder fejl sidst i forløbet, til i stedet at skabe kvalitet gennem kommunikation og fokus på rette løsning til opgaven. Helge rådgiver om og underviser i praktiske aspekter af QA i komplekse teknologiske landskaber. Han implementerer tekniske løsninger, leder procesmæssige forandringer og griber gerne chancen for at få hænderne i tasterne, når teknikken skal tilpasses virkeligheden.
Helge har arbejdet professionelt med test og QA de sidste 17 år i så forskellige brancher som finans, forsikring, pension, defense, transport, sundhed, miljø, rejser, menneskerettigheder, medier og underholdning. Han er en ildsjæl der formår at samle sine erfaringer på tværs af alt hvad han engagerer sig i og elsker at dele dem med andre.
Henrik Haugaard
Projektleder / MedieGruppen
Hvad er vigtigt for ledelsen ift. GDPR testindsatsen
Henrik er en forretningsorienteret projektleder og forretningskonsulent med en teknisk og kommerciel baggrund, som IT-chef, management konsulent og projektleder.
I min professionelle karriere som primært management konsulent og projektleder, har jeg arbejdet i både store (Maersk, Siemens) og mindre virksomheder (Debitel, Toftejorg), som både har været inden for det private (Saxo Bank, Nets, HK, PenSam og Aller ) og offentlige (ATP, Region Hovedstaden) virksomheder, hvilket har gjort at jeg kan se løsningerne fra mange forskellige vinkler, hvor fokus er at skabe værdi for kunden.
Jakob Øjvind Nielsen
Salgsdirektør og automatiseringspecialist / Testware ApS
På vej mod toppen
Med en baggrund som produktionsingeniør, hvor optimering af processer står i højsædet og min min passion for softwareudvikling og især test af samme, automatiseret testen næsten al tænkeligt software, i min iver for at undgå “igen-scenariet”.
Så siden 1995 er næsten alt hvad jeg har rørt ved blevet forsøgt blive automatiseret.
Når jeg “igen” skal gøre noget, hvorfor så ikke bare automatisere det.
I 2014 slår jeg mig sammen med min partner i Testware, som i sit arbejdsliv har arbejdet efter samme devise. Tilsammen har vi nu skabt en virksomhed, som har udviklet en teknologi som automatisere automatiseringen. For at automatisere er også et “igen-scenarie”.
Joachim Pallesen
Projektleder / Digitaliseringsstyrelsen
Fællesoffentligt Testmiljø
Projektleder i Digitaliseringsstyrelsen siden marts 2018, og har tidligere deltaget i andre projekter, fx NemLog-in3 og MitID. Har en kandidatgrad i statskundskab fra Københavns Universitet.
Lars Vølund
IT-Driftschef / PensionDanmark
Kvalitetssikring og test hos PensionDanmark
IT driftschef – PensionDanmark 2016-
IT driftschef – PenSam 2013-2016
Manager – Deloitte Consulting 2010-2013
IT- chef – Johannes Fog Trælast 2007-2010
Forretningskonsulent – Ambu 2004-2007
Michael de Boer
Partner Manager / DATPROF
Powering DevOps with Polluted Testdata
Michael is passionate about simplifying complex data problems. He is specialized in test data management, helping large organizations cope with their data challenges in an easy and effective way. As a partner manager he runs several projects deploying straight forward test data management solutions. His field of expertise includes data masking, subsetting, data generation and CI/CD integration of test data management.
Nicolai Maltesen
Ansvarshavende aktuar / PKA
Er der styr på din pensionsopsparing?
Nicolai Maltesen har arbejdet i mere end 15 år i pensionsbranchen i en række forskellige roller. Han har blandt arbejdet en årrække som forretningsansvarlig for IT-udviklingsprojekter og med forretningsudvikling.
I hans nuværende rolle som ansvarshavende aktuar, omfatter ansvaret blandt andet at opgøre hensættelserne til fremtidige udbetalinger samt sikre en rimelig fordeling af overskud mellem medlemmerne.
Nathalie Rooseboom de Vries van Delft
Principal Test Consultant /
Agile isn’t Everything
I’m an energetic and passionate software and system test manager, test architect and –advisor. I put the question mark behind technological solutions and digital innovations.
I’ve participated in and lead various projects in the financial domain and public transport and have gained a solid experience with testing, coordinating and managing test activities within a diverse palette of development and management methods -including Prince2, IAD, SCRUM and SAFe- and types of organization. My digital alter-ego is ‘FunTESTic’.
Rune Holstvig
Senior Principal Test Engineer / Milestone System A/S
Automation to the rescue! Testing a 100.000 camera video system
With 10 years at Milestone Systems, Rune has a deep insight in the Milestone products. Based on a Master’s Degree in Computer Science, he has held a number of positions within the company, always with focus on Test and Test Automation.
Among these positions are Team Lead for a test team, Test Project Manager and Principal Test Engineer. In 2015, he was given the task of forming the Large Scale Test Automation Team, for which he is now Team Lead.
Søren Lynggaard
Agil Testmanager / Rigspolitiet
Politiets succes med pairwise testing giver tillid til bødeberegninger
Arbejdet hos DTU, Brüel & Kjær, Navision, Microsoft, Rambøll, KMD og Rigspolitiet
Fuldtidsbeskæftiget med test og testmanagement i 30 år – i agil sammenhæng siden 1998
Speciale: non-funktionel test (aka. kvalitetstest)
Generel teknisk testnørd, der elsker testautomatisering.


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Digital Quality and Testing Meetup

Are you interested in quality and testing? Then you can meet like-minded people in our group on Meetup called: Digital Quality and Testing Meetup in Denmark.

Click the link to join the group: http://meetu.ps/c/3CMcH/CWGng/f

You can read more about the group here: https://www.meetup.com/Digital-Quality-and-Testing-Meetup/