DSTB Konference - Biografier for talerne
Onsdag den 30. oktober vil Moltkes Palæ i København danne ramme om vores konference med 2 keynotes og 16 præsentation over emner som AI i Test, Agile test, Test automation og Test management.
Konference sponsorer:
Kl. 9:10
Keynote: 1
Testing and AI – How do the two go together?
Dr. Klaudia Dussa-Zieger
ISTQBs præsident
Dr. Klaudia Dussa-Zieger is the team leader responsible for consulting at imbus. She is particularly interested in test management, the continuous improvement of the test process and the professional training and further education of testers.
For more than 20 years, she has been active as a trainer for the ISTQB® Certified Tester Foundation and Advanced Level and also as a lecturer for software testing at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. Since March 2009, Klaudia Dussa-Zieger has been chairwoman of the DIN working committee "System and Software Engineering" and is actively involved in the creation of standards at international level.
For more than 10 years she is member of the German Testing Board (GTB). Currently, she is the President of the ISTQB, where she heads the AI Taskforce.
Kl. 10:30
AI vs. The Gilded Rose: The Future of Testing or Just a Thorny Path?
Christian Baumann
Principal Test Architect
MaibornWolff GmbH
Christian is a software tester with 15+ years of experience in the field. He has successfully held different roles in the context of testing: From Test Automation Engineer to Test Team Lead.
During his career he worked with various test (automation) tools using programming languages, but also applied certain development/ testing methodologies.
Christian is strongly driven by his context, always searching for the best fitting solution for a given situation. He's able to understand business’ and people’s problems, and is always eager to learn and improve himself, while staying curious, open minded and willing to share his knowledge.
SPOR 2: Agil test
High software quality from the first line of code – how static code analysis can improve the software development
Emil Holmegaard
Management Consultant / Architect 7N
For the last 7-8 years I have been a management consultant - helping projects on fire to find the root cause and find mitigations. I have used a variety of static code analysis tools to create what you can call technology driven advisory (fact based advisory). I hold a PhD in Software Engineering, which makes me able to tell the full story from bit to boardroom. At my current job, I'm responsible of analysing the legacy portfolio of UFST (Danish tax organisation).
SPOR 3: Test management
Kan man tegne en strategi for test og prøver
Pernille Vejby Lauritsen
Konsulent, Key2Quality
Pernille Vejby Lauritsen har mange års erfaring med K02 kontrakten, både i rollen som testmanager og projektleder, og har være med på både kunde og leverandør siden. Har både arbejdet med besvarelse af prøvebilaget på adskillige offentlige udbud, fra leverandørsiden og været projektleder på udbud, og er grundigt inde i afhængighederne mellem de forskellige kontraktbilag.
SPOR 4: Test automatiserinG
Test Automation - Framework makes the dreamwork
Benjamin Bennike Aagren
Test Automation Manager
Efter de første 10 år som Test Ingeniør og teknisk konsulent hvor fokus har været at hjælpe andre med deres problemer i henhold til auto. test, var det på tide selv at eje og drive et auto. test initiativ. De tidligere års erfaringer har vist sig at danne et stærkt fundament, da vi nu har 3 auto. test initiativer i gang, med det ældste af dem kørende i sit bedste velgående efter 6+ år.
Daniel Rune Stiefler-Jensen
Software Tester
Efter 5 år arbejde med grundforskning inden for Biokemi, startede jeg i Velliv som Teknisktester med fokus på Testautomatisering. Her har jeg over 6 år lavet software test som del af agile teams, men primært som del af et centraliseret auto. test team der supportere hele IT organisationen hvor mine opgaver består af at udvikle nyt funktionalitet til vores adskillige AutoTest framework, samt stabilisere og bygge nye auto. test.
Kl. 11:30
AI for TEST -
"The Good, The Bad and the Buggy"
Kim Hjortholm
Senior Testkonsulent, Qnation
Test Consultant at Qnation
Long IT career, including the last 15 years in Testing.
"Web, mobile, mainframe, SAP, Cloud, Automation" - I've been in the ditches :-)
AI & ChatGPT enthusiast.
Teaches an AI Masterclass with a focus on Test
ChatGPT user since version 3.0
Uses ChatGPT daily, both professionally and personally
Explores AI from Isaac Asimov to the latest AI research
SPOR 2: Agil test
Becoming a Tester - a fairy tale
Tamara Josten
Junior Test Consultant
QualityMinds GmbH
My name is Tamara. I am 42 years old and live with my partner and our two children in Bitburg, Germany. In my spare time I am passionate about baking, cooking, biking and sewing. I also spend a lot of time with music and play various instruments in a wind band..
After 25 years of monotonous work as an office manager, I was looking for a challenge.
Through my partner, who is also a tester, I also got “test addicted”.
At a conference in summer 2022, I got a first glance of the testing community. There I met my current boss and I'm happy to have taken the step into testing as a career changer.
Currently, I'm exploring the fascinating world of test automation and accessibility as a junior test consultant. My days are now filled with the challenges of learning Python/Java and other test automation and accessibility topics. Beyond my professional pursuits, my leisure time is dedicated to expanding my knowledge and skills in testing through reading and continuous learning.
SPOR 3: Test management
Test management af NIS2 og alle de andre nye krav
Jesper Ottosen
Senior Advisory Consultant
Jesper har de seneste år ledt flere og flere test aktiviteter med vægt på test af regulatoriske EU krav som NIS2, branchespecifikke krav fra Swift og kontraktuelle krav. De seneste 10 år har Jesper arbejdet med test management hos NNIT A/S indenfor emner som low-code test automatisering, transition af udviklingsprojekter og infrastruktur for NNIT’s kunder indenfor det offentlige og indenfor life-science.
SPOR 4: Test automatiserinG
Test automatisering ud over det grundlæggende – typiske udfordringer og løsninger
Morten Christensen
Udviklingsdirektør og test arkitekt
Software test arkitekt og udviklingsdirektør i Edora. Expert i test automatisering.
25 års erfaring med software udvikling, arkitektur og test automatisering.
Kandidat i datateknologi (1995), Master i IT ledelse og strategi (2016), ISTQB og TMAP certificeret.
Kl. 13:15
Rise of the machines: How GenAI revolutionizes Quality Engineering
Ahmed Khalifa
Software Quality Manager
Ahmed is a seasoned software QA/Test engineer with over a decade of experience in the field. His expertise spans the entire system development life-cycle, encompassing the creation and execution of test plans, test cases, and streamlined test processes. With a strong emphasis on automated testing, Ahmed brings proficiency in various programming languages, enabling him to drive efficiency and quality across projects.
As a speaker, Ahmed shares practical insights derived from his extensive background, empowering audiences to optimize QA practices and leverage automation for enhanced software quality and expedited delivery.
SPOR 2: Agil test
Testing is not on my Paycheck - An Ensemble Testing Experience
Andrea Jensen
QA Manager
CVS by Kaleris
Andrea started her first gig in tech in 2011 by coincidence and decided to stay. She is a Quality Advocate and professional Question Asker. Today, Andrea is working as a tester and team lead in the maritime industry.
SPOR 3: Test management
Unlocking Quality: How to Use Metrics for Powerful Insights
Mette Bruhn-Pedersen
CEO, Safe Journey
Mette Bruhn-Pedersen is an Agile Transformation Leader and Coach at Safe Journey, guiding organisations in adopting business agility and quality improvements. She started her career in software testing doing hands-on testing and test management.
As the Product Owner of ISTQB’s Agile Test Leadership at Scale (ATLaS) certification, Mette addresses the challenges of quality and testing in scaled agile environments, helping professionals gain essential skills for agile transformation.
She is also an accomplished speaker and co-author of “Testing and Quality in the Scaled Agile Framework for Lean Enterprises,” dedicated to empowering testers to be change agents in agile organisations.
SPOR 4: Test automatiserinG
DSTB inviterer til dialog om ny erfa-gruppe om AI
Klaus Olsen
Testmanager og Testrådgiver
Softwaretest.dk og
medlem af DSTBs bestyrelse
Stifter og ejer af firmaet softwaretest.dk siden 2000. Har brugt 30 år på at fokusere på softwaretest, test processer, test forbedringer samt undervisning
Medforfatter af “Softwaretest – kom godt i gang” med Poul Staal Vinje
Stiftende medlem af TMMi ® Foundation tmmi.org
Tidligere CEO for TMMi Management Executives i 5 år
Stiftende medlem af DSTB, Danish Software Testing Board dstb.dk
Tidligere formand for DSTB i 8 år
Repræsentant for DSTB i 14 år på ISTQB’s GA møder istqb.org
Formand for ISTQB Foundation Working Group i 4 år
Medforfatter til ISTQB Foundation og Advanced pensum
Kl. 14:15
AI in Software Testing: Accelerating Quality Assurance
Ermin Duna
Head of Technology & Innovation
Med omfattende erfaring inden for software og kvalitetssikring, spænder min ekspertise både over det operationelle og det strategiske niveau.
Som Head of Technology & Innovation har jeg specialiseret mig i at udvikle og implementere innovative koncepter, i samarbejde med kolleger, som gør at vi altid kan møde kunden både hvor de er, og hvor de er på vej hen.
SPOR 2: Agil test
Nonviolent Communication in Software Testing
Maros Kutschy
Technical Lead - QA
Ness Digital Engineering
Maroš is QA Technical Lead at Ness Košice, Slovakia. His hobby is automation testing . He likes leading and mentoring colleagues, learning new automation testing framework.
In 2022 he was speaking at ‚Testing United‘ in Prague, ‚Nordic Testing Days‘ in Tallinn, ‚Tacon‘ in Leipzig, ‚HUSTEF‘ in Budapest, and ‚Test Dive‘ in Cracow.
In 2023 he was speaking at ‚Software Quality Days‘ in Munich, 'HalfStack' in Vienna, 'SEETEST' in Bucharest and 'SANAE BEER.EX' in Bratislava.
He likes self-improvement and leadership books, stoic philosophy, and exercising in the gym.
SPOR 3: Test management
“Lær at leve med leverpostej – En fortælling om magt, stress og leverpostej”
Camilla Ellyton
QA Lead
Mjølner Informatics
Jeg har arbejdet med kvalitetssikring siden 2007, og selvom jeg har prøvet på at snige mig ud af rollen op til flere gange, ender jeg altid tilbage i QA-rollen. Mit hjerte banker for god kvalitet i den bredeste forstand. Fra vugge til grav - at skabe værdi for kunderne.
Jeg har arbejdet med vandfald, agile og SAFe i mange forskellige roller med opgaver som kravs-kvalitetssikring, test eksekvering, test design, test automatisering, test management, QA-ledelse og test proces/ strategi definition og udrulning.
Min QA-filosofi er, at det hele handler om mennesker. Dette gælder i alle henseender lige fra kunderne til mine kollegaer, og i rollen som QA professionel hvor de fleste af os er autodidakte.
Fun fact: Jeg er helt og aldeles afhængig af salmiak lakrids.
SPOR 4: Test automatiserinG
Hvad er den egentlige værdi af testautomatisering?
Helge Nymand og
Roland Møller,
QA Advocates og stiftere af Qtelligent
På både strategisk, taktisk og operationelt niveau, har begge mange års erfaring med at styre efter og skabe kvalitet gennem samarbejde og tekniske løsninger. Begge har arbejdet i en bred vifte af brancher, størrelser og modenhed af organisationer. Tilgang til kvalitet er for begge en struktureret proces, hvor indsats, mål, middel og teknologi bliver bragt sammen i harmoni og balance.
Kl. 15:30
Keynote: 2
Human IQ ressource management in software design and usability testing
Rune Nørager
CEO, PhD. Sr. Human Factors Specialist, Designpsykologi
Rune Nørager is CEO of small specialised team of human factors experts with backgorund in psychology and cognitive science. Together the team helps companies ensure that design solutions are deeply anchored within human capibilities.