Call for papers 2024

Vi inviterer interesserede talere til at indsende forslag til præsentationer vha. formularen nederst på siden.
Temaet er ”fra teori til praksis”. Vi efterspørger indlæg for de 4 mest efterspurgte emner i vores konference analyse:

  • Test automatisering
  • Test management
  • Agil test
  • AI og anvendelse af chatrobotter ved test af software

Der er også plads til indlæg omkring:

  • spændende cases fra virksomheder og organisationer
  • hvordan vi kan få endnu mere ud af ISTQB certificering både fra et personligt og et virksomhedssynspunkt
  • andre spændende oplæg omkring test

Konferencen henvender sig til testere på alle niveauer, projektledere, udviklere og andre, som arbejder med test, eller som har ansvaret for test og kvalitet i deres organisation.
Derudover vil vi gerne dedikeret et heldagsspor topledere, programledere, afdelingsledere og andre beslutningstagere, som er med til at sætte rammerne for test i organisationen.

Hvis du har lyst til at bidrage med et foredrag, som falder under emnerne for konferencen, så send gerne dit forslag til os.

Varigheden for præsentationer er 45 minutter.

Brug nedenstående form til at indsende dit forslag.

Vi vil gerne modtage dit forslag senest d. 31-05-2024!

Har du spørgsmål, kan du kontakte os på:

Vi glæder os til at høre fra dig!


We invite interested speakers to submit proposals for presentations and workshops using the form at the bottom of the page.
The theme is “from theory to practice”. We are looking for a presentation linked to the 4 most asked-for topics in our conference analyze:

  • Test automation
  • Test management
  • Agile testing
  • AI and the use of chatbots when testing software

We are also looking for presentations focusing on:

  • exciting case studies from companies and organisations
  • how we can get even more benefits from ISTQB certification from both an individual and a company perspective.
  • other interesting presentations about testing

The conference is aimed at testers at all levels, project managers, developers and others who work with test, or are responsible for testing and quality in their organization.
In addition, we would like to have a full-day track dedicated to executives, program managers, department managers and other decision makers who decide the highlevel directions for and conditions in which the testing activities happen.

If you have some experiences within the scope the theme of the conference which you would like to share, please send your suggestion to us.

The duration of a presentation is 45 minutes.

Use the form below to submit your paper.

We would like to receive your proposal no later than d. 31-05-2024!

If you have questions, contact us at:

We look forward to hearing from you!


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Digital Quality and Testing Meetup

Are you interested in quality and testing? Then you can meet like-minded people in our group on Meetup called: Digital Quality and Testing Meetup in Denmark.

Click the link to join the group:

You can read more about the group here: